Buying or selling real estate is as much a financial decision as it is a personal one. No such thing as one size fits all when it comes to . .
We have been in the real-estate business for over 15 years, and have for the most part specialized in buying and selling Condos. We have...
We believe that when buying and selling real-estate the best decisions are made when you have all the important information at hand...
As VIP brokers with many of Toronto’s top builders, we offer you early access to projects before the general public. We also work hard to ensure...
Buying pre-construction affords you both flexibility and affordability. One to Three year deposit periods allow ample time to save up for your dream home...
Builders often offer incentives to pre-construction home-buyers, some of these might include upgraded appliances and finishes...
Why pay for new floors because you don’t like the colour, when you can pick the colours of your floors, cabinetry...
Buying pre-construction gives you access to a vast number and variety of units at the same time...